Improve Mobility, Reduce Chronic Pain, Strengthen Your Core, and Feel Amazing ... in 10 to 12 Minutes Per Day!

by Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

Dear friend -


  • ​Want to move better and improve your workout performance 
  • ​KNOW you need to improve your flexibility and mobility - but aren’t really doing anything about it
  • Are constantly battling injuries from your hard training
  • ​Live with a little – or a lot of – chronic pain 

You simply owe it to yourself to read this entire article.

 My name is Forest Vance. I’m a personal trainer and boot camp instructor based out of the Sacramento, CA area. 

In addition to over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, I have a Master’s of Science in Human Movement with a specialization in Corrective Exercise, as well as being a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist and Certified Sport Yoga Instructor.

I want to share a little bit about my own personal story – and most importantly, how what I’ve learned can help YOU.

See, in a ‘former life’, I was a pro football player. I lived in a state of chronic pain. And when my career was over, the wear and tear my football days left on my body unfortunately still lingered.

I knew how to train like an athlete – but I didn’t know how to work out like an ‘average Joe’. And I sure as heck didn’t know how to train to prevent and decrease my chronic pain.

Learning about exercise science, how the body works, and the intricate interplay between muscle balance, core strength, and proper movement was a gradual and rather long process for me. I got a specialty training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (my Corrective Exercise Specialist certification) and that really opened my eyes.ram for myself, to help with the wear and tear on my body from my dozen or so years of competitive sports, including a "cup of coffee" in the NFL.

I started to realize that the vast majority of folks I saw experienced chronic pain and nagging injuries.

I also realized that this was a huge area of opportunity where I could help folks out, further than just the general fitness, fat loss – type stuff I had been doing so far …

I went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Human Movement with an emphasis in corrective exercise … and now I help folks with movement issues and pain relief every day.

But here's the bottom line. You know you NEED to stretch and recover, to keep your body from getting sore and tired, to prevent aches and pains, and to recover faster from your training. But you don't know exactly what to do … and / or you don't take the time to do it.

This is the situation the vast majority of my training clients are in.

And so I created the REGENERATE program - based on years of trial and error – to address this.

To make it so that you can improve flexibility, keep your body going, and feel great … with just three to six minutes of work each day!

Now introducing ...


Simple Recovery for Lifters and Athletes

Find inside: 

  •  REGENERATE HINGE sequences - help you recover from Deadlifts, KB Swings, Cleans, Snatches, or any other hip dominant exercise.
  •  REGENERATE SQUAT sequences - help you recover from KB Squats, Barbell Squats, Lunges, or any other knee dominant exercise. 
  • REGENERATE PUSH sequences - help you recover from KB / DB Presses, Barbell Overhead Presses, Bench Press, Push Ups, or any other upper body pushing exercise.
  • REGENERATE PULL sequences - help you recover from Pull Ups, DB / KB Rows, Inverted Rows, or any other upper body pulling exercise.
  • REGENERATE GAIT sequences - help you recover from Running, Jump Rope, Walking / Hiking, or any other gait - based exercise.
  •  REGENERATE TOTAL BODY sequences - sometimes you do more of a total – body workout, you are not exactly sure which area to focus on, and you need recovery all over. Sometimes you just want a nice off-day session to loosen you up and help you clear your mind and help you feel better all over. These are for those times.
  • FAQ - learn exactly how to pick the right sequence for the workout you did, when the best time to do the sequences is, exactly how long to hold the poses, and more.


When you purchase REGENERATE 2.0, I'm also going to include my original REGENERATE course - FREE. You'll get 14 additional three to five minute sequences to help you recover faster, reduce pain, improve mobility, and feel great.

BONUS - 30-min Sport Yoga Session

The third bonus I am going to include when you sign up today is a 30-minute Sport Yoga session with yours truly. Kettlebell Tabata Training is INTENSE!... and you may need extra recovery between workout sessions. With this 30-minute "Sport Yoga" class, you can hit "play" and follow along with me while I take you through a restorative stretching and core session.

Perfect for any of your "off" days, Sport Yoga is:

– Easier for beginners to perform
– Based on Hatha yoga, covers traditional sports stretching
– Includes dynamic movement sequences for all types of athletes/sports

Every day value = $15++, FREE when you sign up now today

REGENERATE 2.0 - buy now for just $29 for a limited time!

Kristin Feels Better And Stronger Than Ever

“At the beginning of 2009 I injured my shoulder at work.After a year off work, two surgeries, and countless hours of Physical Therapy I returned to work. At that time I decided it would be in the best interest of my mind, body, and spirit to maintain some level of physical fitness in an attempt to avoid future injury/re-injury. So I went to my local gym, expecting to continue the exercises PT recommended for me. What I got was so much more…Forest Vance!!
In March of 2010 I started training with Forest. Six months later I feel better and stronger than I have ever felt, and ever dreamed was possible. The transformation my body has undergone is amazing. People regularly ask me about shoulder injury and how devastating the experience must have been for my career, my body, and overall mental health. Six months ago I would have 100% agreed, not being able to see much of a silver lining. Now the way I look at it, is that if I hadn’t hurt myself, it is very likely I would not have met Forest.  One of the worst times in my life brought me to the happiest, healthiest, and strongest I have ever been!! Thanks Forest!!”

-Kristin G

Brian Has Lost Weight, Increased Stamina, Gained Muscle, and Most Importantly Has Started To Feel Healthy Again!

“Within one month of participating in Forest’s training program, I have lost weight, increased my stamina, lost body fat, added muscle tone, and started to feel healthy for the first time in over a year.The transformation to a healthier, fit lifestyle in such a short time frame has made me a strong advocate of Forest’s training program.Thank you Forest!”

-Brian G

My Unconditional, 100% Money - Back Guarantee

Do this: read just the first section and go through the first workout.If you feel like you haven’t ALREADY gotten your money’s worth, then please contact me and I will refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked.Better still, take a full 60 days to do these workouts and benefit from them.If for any reason at all you’re unsatisfied, contact me still and I will refund every penny of your purchase.

Thanks, and take care -

– Forest Vance

Master of Science, Human Movement

Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor

PS - REGENERATE is a complete program that will teach you how to strengthen your core, reduce chronic pain, improve flexibility, and improve your overall quality of life - in 3 to 6 minutes per day.

PPS - Backed by my 60 day, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee, it’s a no brainer; pick up your copy today!

NOTE: The REGENERATE program is a series of downloadable PDF manuals and online streaming videos. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book on to your computer.