ATTN people aged 40 and up - New for 2024:

The 28-day REGENERATE Challenge

Reduce Pain, Move Better in Your Body, Improve Recovery and Feel Amazing - with Just Three 20-minute Sessions per Week

by Forest Vance, Master of Science in Human Movement, Former Pro Football Player, Kettlebell Expert

Dear Friend:

Do you know that you need to improve your flexibility and mobility, but aren't really doing any thing about it?

Are you looking for a workout that will help you increase motion, decrease pain, and burn extra calories, all at the same time?

Would you like to improve recovery time between your workouts and in life in general?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to read this entire website.

My name is Forest Vance. I am a former pro football player - turned kettlebell specialist and over-40 training expert. What I have to share with you today about the topic of improving your mobility and getting in better shape with kettlebells is so exciting that I had to sit down and type up this entire website!

I'm writing this to you today to let you know that there IS a solution to help you decrease pain, improve your movement, and improve your recovery time - all while getting a great workout with kettlebells!

But more on that in just a bit...

I was in constant pain during my career, and the damage my body sustained from playing football unfortunately remained with me after I retired.

See, I used to be a professional football player.

I was in constant pain and when my career was over, the damage my body sustained from playing football unfortunately stayed with me.

I knew how to train like an athlete, but I didn’t know how to work out like an ‘average Joe’. And I had no clue how to train to prevent and decrease my chronic pain.

It took me a while to learn about exercise science, how the body works, and the delicate interplay between muscle balance, core strength, and proper movement. I got a specialty training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (my Corrective Exercise Specialist certification) and that really opened my eyes. I started practicing yoga for myself, to help with the wear and tear on my body from my dozen or so years of competitive sports, including a "cup of coffee" in the NFL.

That's about the time I also started working as a personal trainer, and I was shocked:

I Began to Realize That The Majority of People I Saw Experienced Chronic Pain and Persistent Injuries.

I also realized that there was a lot of scope for me to help people out in this area, beyond just the general fitness and weight loss stuff I had been doing up to this point… so I went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Human Movement with an emphasis in corrective exercise … and now I help people with movement issues and pain relief every day!

The bottom line is this: you know you need to stretch and recover to keep your body from getting sore and tired, to prevent aches and pains, and to recover faster from your training. But you don't know exactly what to do … and / or you don't take the time to do it.

This is the situation the vast majority of my training clients are in.

And so I created the 28-day REGENERATE Challenge - based on years of trial and error – to address this!

To make it so that you can improve flexibility, keep your body going, and feel great … in just 28-days, with Three 20-minute sessions per week.

Now introducing...

The 28-day REGENERATE Challenge

Reduce Pain, Move Better in Your Body, Improve Recovery and Feel Amazing - with Just Three 20-minute Sessions per Week

Here's how it works:

  • On signing up below, you'll be officially "in" for the 28-day Challenge. We send you a detailed workout plan each week to follow, so you'll know exactly what to do every day, no guessing. These are also NEW workouts each day, so that you won't ever get bored. And each workout builds on the last, so that you can feel and see your progress throughout.
  • At the start and end of the Challenge, we'll do a series of basic mobility/flexibility tests. If you complete the three 20-minute sessions per week as prescribed, you'll see a measureable improvement in your movement ability in just 28 days!
  • We're going to do live walk-thru videos of each workout. This way, you can see us demonstrating all the exercises, breaking down the form, and more.
  • We will keep you MOTIVATED and ACCOUNTABLE in our private group we have set up. you will post here every time you complete a workout and we'll cheer you on as well as answer any questions. This is something most programs do NOT address.


In this high-quality, fluff-free, no-B.S. program, you’ll be taken by the hand as I walk you through 33 NEW kettlebell challenge workouts – a full 8+ week training plan where you’ll never repeat the same workout twice! – that you can do any time, any place, with just a single kettlebell and your own body weight.  

This sells for $33 every day on my website by itself; it's yours 100% FREE when you sign up right now today.

Workouts you’ll find inside:

  • Doing it Way Big
  • Super Circuit
  • The Punisher
  • Pull Up, TGU, Swing, Cardio Giant Circuit
  • ExtraHard
  • Welcome to the Jungle
  • FVT Challenge Workout
  • BW and KB Smoke Session
  • Up the Ladder
  • Strength Tri-Set
  • Simple but TOUGH
  • Kettlebell and Body Weight Beat Down
  • Fun Day
  • Strong and Simple
  • Swing and Burpee Kettlebell Challenge
  • Total Body Strength and Conditioning
  • Mega Strength Day
  • Hybrid Cardio
  • Single KB Complex
  • Cardio Strength Training
  • Get It
  • Death by Snatch and Burpee
  • KB / BW Blowout
  • Killer Kettlebell Complex
  • Killer Kettlebell Complex 2
  • The Puker
  • Down ‘n’ Dirty KB Boot Camp Workout
  • Full Body Melt Down
  • Total Body Insanity
  • Time to Get Tough
  • Flipped
  • Shoulder Bully
  • Fearsome Foursome


The second bonus I am going to include when you sign up today is a my NEWEST 7-session Sport Yoga program led with yours truly. These are the recordings of a special series I did in 2022; participants originally paid $99 to attend, you get the full program FREE!

These are full 45-minute Yoga sessions. They are perfect for lifters / athletes / other folks who wouldn't normally do yoga. Sport Yoga is:

– Easier for beginners to perform
– Based on Hatha yoga, covers traditional sports stretching
– Includes dynamic movement sequences for all types of athletes/sports

Every day $99 value, FREE when you sign up right now today!


Here you’ll get the “cheat sheets” from the last flexibility and mobility workshop we held at FVT.  You’ll learn about self-myofascial release, joint mobility, static stretching, contrast relax stretching, and much more.  I’ve also included handy links for more info, exercise descriptions, videos and more on most of the topics.

This is the exact outline of what we did at our $57 workshop.  The next best thing to actually having been there.  It’s not available ANYWHERE else.

But this aspect of your training is SO important – and I feel, highly NEGLECTED – and so I’ve decided to include it FREE when you order today!


Sign Up Now

This is the COMPLETE program you need to get results.

In a typical economic climate, we would charge between $79-99 for this program. And it would be well worth it. And hundreds of folks have, in our past challenges.

But I am sensitive to what is happening right now. You want to get fit, but you also want VALUE. That's why I'm pricing the Challenge at only $37 dollars for the whole 28 days.

Then, if you love this Challenge, you can continue on in future Challenges for just $9.25 every 7 days, and you will roll automatically into the next one.

If you don't like it, you can cancel at any time - no hard feelings.

But we think that when you try this program, you'll get amazing results, and you'll be hooked!

28 Day Kettlebell Mobility Challenge Starts Monday, July 29th - Sign Up Now for Just $37!

Check out what some of my clients have said about working with me:

Kristin Feels Better And Stronger Than Ever

“At the beginning of 2009 I injured my shoulder at work.After a year off work, two surgeries, and countless hours of Physical Therapy I returned to work. At that time I decided it would be in the best interest of my mind, body, and spirit to maintain some level of physical fitness in an attempt to avoid future injury/re-injury. So I went to my local gym, expecting to continue the exercises PT recommended for me. What I got was so much more…Forest Vance!!
In March of 2010 I started training with Forest. Six months later I feel better and stronger than I have ever felt, and ever dreamed was possible. The transformation my body has undergone is amazing. People regularly ask me about shoulder injury and how devastating the experience must have been for my career, my body, and overall mental health. Six months ago I would have 100% agreed, not being able to see much of a silver lining. Now the way I look at it, is that if I hadn’t hurt myself, it is very likely I would not have met Forest.  One of the worst times in my life brought me to the happiest, healthiest, and strongest I have ever been!! Thanks Forest!!”

-Kristin G

Brian Has Lost Weight, Increased Stamina, Gained Muscle, and Most Importantly Has Started To Feel Healthy Again!

“Within one month of participating in Forest’s training program, I have lost weight, increased my stamina, lost body fat, added muscle tone, and started to feel healthy for the first time in over a year.The transformation to a healthier, fit lifestyle in such a short time frame has made me a strong advocate of Forest’s training program.Thank you Forest!”

-Brian G

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many kettlebells will I need to perform these workouts?

A: Just a couple of kettlebells are all you need. Recommended starting weights are a 16k and a 24k for men, an 8k and a 16k for women - but these suggestions could be bumped up or down based on training experience and current fitness level.

Q: Are these workouts suitable for all ages and fitness levels?

YES! I have designed the program with this specifically in mind. We have a "foundations" week before the actual program starts, specifically designed with helping you learn the kettlebell form and getting your fitness level up to speed. Then the workouts themselves are also adjustable and can be modified for all different fitness levels!

Q: I have XYZ injury - can I still do these workouts?

It depends on the injury. What I find is that most people do one of two things when they get injured: 1) stop exercising completely, or 2) keep working out, change nothing, and make the injury worse. I recommend something in between. And I try to give as many options and modifications as I can for all the exercises, so that you can adjust for your own particular situation.


Thanks, and take care -

– Forest Vance

Master of Science, Human Movement

Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

Certified Sport Yoga Instructor

PS - For the last 16 years, I have worked full time in the fitness industry.

I started as a personal trainer at a big box gym, ended up working as a personal training and club manager at several locations, then started my own personal training business in 2009.

During this time, I completed my Master's Degree in Human Movement from A.T. Still University in Mesa, Arizona.

I also have extensive training and experience teaching kettlebells, having gone through multiple RKC and StrongFirst certifications, teaching / assisting other trainers at these events, and even teaching workshops independently around the country.

I say all of this to let you know, I am qualified to be your kettlebell coach! :)

PPS - This is a powerful, game-changing program. And we get started on Monday, July 29th. Sign up today!

NOTE: My 28-day KB Challenge program consists of downloadable PDFs and streaming / downloadable videos. No physical products will be shipped.